Motivation Words
gatau dah gua mau posting apaan.. bingung hati lagi galau.. pikiran lagi error! #curhat! hahaha yaudah gua mending posting kata2 mutiara ajaya! buat lo, mungkin bisa di jadiin motivasi nih!
- Positive thinking right?!
- Don't make everything in this world so difficult to understand!
- Qoutes is wise, thats why i love qoutes
- I hope my life now, is better than yesterday, and tommorow i hope will be the best than previous days
- Said good bye to my past! and say WELCOME! to my future
- Don't look someone from her/his physical, because physical may be can trick our eyes
- If i can control this world, i will fill this world with happiness :)
- Let your self free and enjoy this life
- Something about love thats breaks your heart wooaaah sets you free :))
- Don't be so depress in this life! just enjoy this life! like in this world theres only you you and you
- Do not connect the past with the present situation
- Past experience only to be passed,not to be remember!
- We must move on for my future! and dont give up because the past
- Only with the strong desire, all of that can be conquered!
- Just be thankful for what you have! because it is the best thing who given from god to you
- The past is painful! but we must forget it for our future
- Don't make everything in this world so difficult to understand!
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